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[Dev Blog] #1 | Web Services


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ArdicGaming Roleplay

Dev Blog #1

~Web Services~


Hi! I thought we'd give a basic overview of all the web development that has been happening. A lot of this information will be behind the scenes and doesn't really benefit any of you guys but it's more just of a showcase.



The UCP has now officially been setup. You may notice some of the resources on the UCP aren't going to be our finished product. Some vehicles, skins and even objects need to be reworked. This is fine though, due to the smart coding and how it handles these processes; the resources we have on our UCP are dynamic. This means when we add, edit or remove any of the resources it gets pulled from our MTA server directly, always keeping it up to date.



Los Santos County Sheriff's Department forum has been setup on a basic level. User permissions, groups and of course some redirects have been made. We have our forms, guidelines and reports ready to go. They just need to be formatted and inserted into the forum. The logos and headers also need to be added but for now it is functionally working.



The wiki for our little humble abode is now fully functional and is up to date with the latest rules and guidelines. This will allow for us to tailor our community more accurately allowing for the most optimal playthrough for the season. I hope this helps everyone who may be unsure with some of the specific rules we may have!


Nerdy Stats

Our stats page is a funky little landing page for those who are interested in some of the resources our server uses. If you want to build your own MTA environment (or any gaming environment which requires similar specs) you can look at our beautifully designed landing page. This page was open-source and was tailored by myself to make it more relevant to the information we wanted to display.


Community Forums

Naturally, as you're reading this, you know our community forums have been setup. Everything is ready to go... groups, usergroups, ranks and restrictions have been setup in every category and every sub-category based on the user's level permissions; whether they be a Forum Admin, Vehicle Team Member or a Team Leader. This allows for us to delegate workloads specifically for that team, meaning they won't get overwhelmed with all of the categories that aren't relevant to them.



The Social Network website which was designed by me originally for San Andreas Roleplay has made its return. Of course, we're going to try and migrate our database from SARP to ensure all stuff stays. As you know, our server is set in present day, so characters from SARP would technically still exist. So due to that, we're willing to keep all aspects of players' characters to allow them to continue their development throughout the Red County Area.



A simple but yet effective tool to allow me to monitor ArdicGaming's process for both the web and the game server. This will also allow users to report bugs through this service. Mantis is a long-term go-to in the community of game development especially in the area of MTA. It's simple and effective which truly allows to get the job done in a timely manner. This Bug Tracker should help keep us organized to allow for more linear style movement on correcting issues within the gamemode. 


I hope this quirky little update helps for those who wanted to find out exactly what it is we do and what exactly we're aiming to achieve. On a side note, this game mode is currently being setup and developed by myself and I'm being assisted by @Antonia to help make this happen. See you all in the First Season!




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