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In the Name of Law & Order

The Boss Money

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o2xNpOu.pngBenjamin Lavey is a native of Liberty City, born and raised in Staunton Island. He was fathered by a member of the Liberty City Police Department and mothered by a museum director. Having grown up in an affluent family, he was given vast opportunities in terms of education and quality of life. Having never empathized with those struggling with poverty, he came to obtain further insight into the woes of the common man and woman. With this newfound belief that justice is something everyone deserves equally, Lavey pursued a law degree in the prestigious Vespucci University which offered vast options in law education.

After graduating from law school, he went on to work for the Liberty District Attorney's office as an Assistant District Attorney, later making Chief Assistant District Attorney. He garnered much experience in the criminal justice system and as such is determined to demonstrate it to the fullest extent while at the same time providing justice for all; prosecuting those who threaten the very foundations of life in Liberty City.

Benjamin Lavey in the Staunton Island Criminal Courthouse

Edited by The Boss Money
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