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[Dev Blog] #2 | General Updates


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ArdicGaming Roleplay

Dev Blog #2

~General Updates~

We aim to strive to keep the community running as smooth as possible. Whilst this past week has been busy, we'd like to show you some of the things that have either been fixed, added or removed during its time. 


Removed: -
Added: +
Reworked/Fixed: //


// Optimized new mods system so that stuff loads faster, modded cars are more responsive onClient.
// Players no longer stand when after they have been downed.
// CKed bodies will now retain their custom skin and won't reset to CJ
// Entering interiors won't have that annoying unload>load custom mod (turn to CJ then back to player skin) anymore
// Tried optimizing a fetchImage glitch where images for custom peds would become vehicles and vice versa
// Optimized processes for NPCs, shops, fuelpeds and peds for having custom skins (should stream accurately whilst not depleting client resources)
+ Added a line of text when a player accepts /carry notifying them that they can drop the person by /drop
// Fixed annoying debuglog that was conflicting with an old script causing CPU loss
+ Encrypted custom AGRP Objects (3d models such as Montgomery Park, Blueberry etc)
// Fixed UCP redirect error for when a player tries to upload an avatar (hopefully that's fixed now, still requires further testing) ty for reporting 5150
- Removed any traces of Bayside project
// Reworked Newbie bonuses, faction bonuses and state benefits for a lower, more stable economy
// Adjusted admin commands to have quicker aliases e.g: /gotomark /gtm // /commands /cmds etc
// Fixed New Characters not being able to change skin in the preview
// Fixed annoying output bug which could be detrimental in the future regarding clients trying to request handling from custom vehicles
+ Re-enabled the RP Zone
+ Improved Discord logging functionality for a wider variety of scripts
// Fixed a bug regarding /makeveh (Smokerhands Assist)
+ Added a disclaimer when a player dies that there is a 60 second countdown timer.
- Cleaned up mapmods script to remove non-existent mods
+ Added missing images to Custom Objects on UCP 
+ Added Watermark to all interior images on UCP (Sonny)
// Fixed a bug where object previews weren't working in shops
// Fixed incorrect formatting on interior names on UCP
// Reworked new mods system for optimization (experimental and may cause errors, hopefully not)
// Reworked Discord Logs for account system
// Fixed an issue where players could not retake the practical bike test after a disconnect from the server
// Fixed an issue where when license is suspended it would not show correctly in the DMV
// Fixed an issue when a player has already bought bike test and after disconnect retakes their test but gets charged again. (this is now free, onetime payment) 


Further updates to come and and constant improvements are being made to the server. 


Thank you for continuing to play the server and supporting us. We hope that we are providing you with the quality that we are aiming for. 



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