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EVAM Distribution


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EVAM Distribution

"Your cargo is our priority"




EVAM Distribution is a logistics company founded in Autumn of 2024 by two friends Alessandro Mancini (CEO) and Edgaras Volkovas (COO) by sheer desire to provide the citizens of Los Santos with fast, reliable and cost-effective shipping solutions. We are committed to meeting the diverse needs of businesses and individuals with quality courier services and a focus on efficiency alongside of innovative solutions. Our aim is to become your trusted partner in all of your logistics needs.


Our vision is quite simple - become the leading logistics solution in Los Santos, known for our reliability, customer-focused solutions and innovative ideas. We are always aiming and continue to aim for revolutionizing the delivery industry by doing our best to exceed expectations of our clients and deliver excellency at every step of the way. Though our commitment to efficiency and quality, we strive to create a seamless experience for our clients while contributing to the future of logistics.

How to fill out an order?

We've taken into account a lot of our possibilities regarding filling our order forms and executing, having decided that having all of our services provided on a single platform will be the most efficient way to operate as your couriers while having a more appealing user experience front. 

To fill out an order or ask a general question, visit the following link: https://discord.gg/jzJAbcEczM

Edited by ekworks
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