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This is a in-depth tutorial of how to install and use the sa-mp objects for MTA SA by using newmodels by Fernando.


  • SA-MP OBJECTS came from the multiplayer modificaton made for Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, the SA-MP team has provided a lot of new models that came mainly from the Singleplayer version, Adding in 1,433 more objects into the game, although MTA SA came short as they never had anything available like this, with this modification I will be guiding you all through, you can access the SA-MP objects with a few steps.

Newmodels Link  Newmodels Editor  SAMPobj_reloaded


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  • 1. Locate your MTA SA directory - Once you have located it, Go to your server folder > mods > deathmatch > resourcesi5rmX2J.png
  • 2. Drag and Drop the folder "newmodels" into the resources folder.
  • 3. In the same zip file, there's a [examples] folder, drag and drop the newmodels-engine and sampobj_reloaded into the resources folder. 
  • Mmu2k9S.png
  • 4. Drag and Drop the folders that's in the mtasa-resources-3.3.0-newmodels-editor.zipheLbVMc.png
  • 5. On the models.zip, Drag and drop all the file into the sampobj_reloaded > models folder.yVgFazE.png
  • 6. Once you've done each step, You are now able to go into your Map Editor then start each resources.
  • Type /start newmodels if nothing's changed but most of the time this starts automaticallly., and /start sampobj_reloaded, It will download each file and just put it in the models.
    • Once you've done that if you don't see Object List, you can /restart editor_newmodels, and then it'll reload each SA-MP object, then it'll put it in the object lists.
    • https://dev.prineside.com/en/gtasa_samp_model_id/tag/2-sa-mp/ You can access this website to see each SA-MP object without going in the Map Editor.
    • gRcX9od.png
    • Go to the Object List and the Categories "New Models" for the new models added into the server.
    • POTENTIAL: You may have to do an aclrequest and allow the newmodels resources. From your F8 console do ‘aclrequest list’ - this will list all pending resources. Resources relating to newmodels do ‘aclrequest allow ResourceName all’. This should allow any pending requests. Either restart the individual resources or restart your mapping server to have effects take place. If the models don’t show, repeat the /restart editor_newmodels step.

HAVE FUN MAPPING! This is also saveable as a map, so you can get it into AGRP, there's more objects for you! If you are having issues, please do comment in the thread, I am willing to help!



Edited by Portside
Added prerequisite for potential aclrequest
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