Portside Posted October 22, 2024 Share Posted October 22, 2024 Dev Blog #10 ~Performance, New Systems & General Updates~ What a way to have a comeback! We haven't even done our server comeback yet because we've been so busy with development!! It is amazing how much we have accomplished from our last Dev Blog; but the fun doesn't stop there, nope! Have another read, you might find a lot of the updates exciting or have the "FINALLY" feeling. ENJOY! Key: Removed: - Added: + Reworked/Fixed: // // Fixed an issue for Discord RPC fix for onClientJoin // Fixes an issue where /check would refresh localPlayer rather than target checked. Also fixed placement of buttons // Updates factionID for bank and updates fee from $2 to $15 + Added delay to send special key to onPlayerJoin request by 2 seconds to ensure its sent and store the key separately + Adds info for /wephelp to rebind hotbar // Better wording for rebinding control of hotbar // Fixes an issue where re-positioning wearable items wouldn't save // Fixes baseball bat issue, adds some weapons, fixes a function + Adds a new baseball bat, old one was broken. + Uses a leftover weapon model, Hood Glock + Adds a Stihl Chainsaw (used the fire extinguisher 90051.col for collision file) + Rewrote a function to better match what it was trying to do. Function replaces original GTA SA weapon models with a blank (invisible one) which is accurate, but a separate (duplicate) function was being used to achieve this onPlayerSpawn when the same function could have been used. Cleaned the function, removed redundant code and added comments to each weapon model to know which ID is which. // Fixes an issue where minimap disappears after turning on strobes (was got to do with sharing code not sure what it is, but performance isn't that well optimized by splitting the minimap code into two files anyway. + Adds a check to see if an open interior with the entered dimension value already exists; if it does, then choose a new one. (next available integer is displayed in the text) or user can choose to pick their own // Restricts OIC Creation to senior and MT // Final fix for /dispatch siren issue for minimap + Adds Glock 18 + Adds Desert Eagle + Adds Knuckledusters + Adds Remington 870 Tactical // Changes Shorty 12g picture // Edits Airsoft M4 to include orange tip + Adds Glock 17 Airsoft // Fixes not being able to unprotect items in vehicle inventories + Adds support for custom vehicles to receive vehicle attaching (pitbars, spotlights, lightbars) etc // Fixes an issue where you could split duty ammo to then drop it bypassing the drop detection // Fixes issue where weapon for dutyadmin was not recognizing custom weapons above 60 + Adds missing image for Deagle mag + Adds missing image for 100rnd thompson mag // Fixes issue where dutymags were set incorrectly for airsoft and deagle + adds dutymag for wep 24 ar v1 + Adds rambars for utility vehicle and dodge charger + Adds xyz, rotation int and dim to /logs and adds teleport support to /logs including teleportable data to better recreate the player's steps in disputes + Adds Taurus 1911 & 10, 15rnd mags for 1911 + Adds a simple /ame for powering on and off phone, /logs or F8 will show the specific number + Adds sendNotification for replacement of outputChatbox in admin logs panel + Added a /checkint log for when a player uses the teleport in /logs // Fixed an issue where the logic handling duty weapons splitting ammo restriction was blanketed for all duty items instead of just duty weapons. This meant players couldn't use the edit function to resize Kevlar vests etc // Defined /logs for specific staff chats, before they all just showed as 1 Staff Chat // Fixed an issue where /mt was never being logged. // Fixed an issue where /a was being logged but data was never being retrieved/stored properly // Replaced outputChatBox with the more appropriate notification system we use. + Adds /startshift (beta) where players can go to certain government ran shops, and start a passive shift. + Adds logging (discord and /logs) for /startshift - Removed Gov Shifts from job system and made it independent + Added a /obanfromgovshift command + Added /banfromgovshift command + Added /findgovshiftban command + Added /unbanfromgovshift command + Added /checkcurrentovshift command + Added /shifttime command to check remaining time before pay + Made gov funding system to distribute funding to all current characters and added wire transfer for issuance // Fixed an issue where it would say LSTS instead of GOV in wiretransfers // Fixed an issue where wrong ID displayed for addBankTransaction for certain transfers - Removed Frame is bugged due to AGRP Object replacement of 2287 in interior 164 - Removed Frame is bugged due to AGRP Object replacement of 2284 in interior 164 // Fixes disconnected players still being in a table causing error spam (Spooky) // Fixed a missing function for adding admin history /warns etc + Added ability for when a player requests a frisk, that equipped weapons are shown, highlighting their currently held weapon as green. + Added ability for when a player is handcuffed, equipped weapons are shown when frisked, highlighting their currently held weapon as green. + Added admin command /findequipped that will check for a player's currently equipped weapons, highlighting their currently held weapon as green. + New sound for airsoft glock // Typo for description for airsoft glock // Replaces a debug message for /check for where couldn't fetch note is now replaced with no notes for this account. + Added All Saints Hospital modeling (Spooky) + Adds All Saints Hospital for new character spawn location // Edits stupid code to include username when potential staff breach + Make Generic for EVAM Distribution + Adds extra sync for animation adjustment controls for streamed out players for animations (Spooky) // Fixes /luck to use "his" or "her" in the output instead of always "his" (Spooky) + Vehicle lights can now be turned on even if engine is off (Spooky) + Cuff/uncuff no longer force clears your current animation (since the newcuffed pose is compatible with any animation) (Spooky) + Some new animations + a few fixes for existing ones in AGRPv2 (Spooky) /+/ Initially disabled /setwalkstyle but /setwalkstyle is required, just disabled walkstyle 70 + Weapon System sounds and sound mathematics completely overhauled (Legion) // Fixed some case-sensitive issues for weapons due to Linux + added variant commands for /setodometer + Adds /findcharacter and findcharacterid + Added framework for suppressed weapons. weapon-system/weaponfx/g_wepfxTable.lua has added optional arguments for table; isSuppressed // if true, weapon is considered by script as suppressed weapon. No outside refractors, or distant sounds will be played. DistClose will be halved. Keep DistClose in table as if normal weapon. In event other means of suppressing will be added in future. (Legion) filePathSuppressor // Sets the path to the type of supporessor sounds, check folder for available sounds. (Legion) SuppressedVariants // Amount of suppressed shotFX are available for the script. Randomizes this number, can't be less than 1. (Legion) + Allows MT to use /freecam + Forgot to add halving sound distance for suppressed weapons. (Legion) + Added suppressed M9 Beretta (Legion) + Added DeWalt Nailgun (Legion) + Added 50mm 16GA Nail ammo (Legion) + Added /arrest functionality for ELSPD station. When in ELSPD it wont show Prison cells, and when it prison, it won't show ELSPD cells. Admins will always only see SACF cells. Can be changed by switching a check around. Might be able to do both if combining checks and doing cells + cellsELSPD (Legion) - Makes Prestige Modelling redundant // Removes 10hr restriction for crates (trucking job) + Added support for LSCSD /Dispatch & MDC + Updates respawn location from Memorial Hospital to ASH // Disabled auto deletion of items due to newmodels and sampobj maybe not loading in time. Need to find proper fix at some point // item-world placement move in startup to help minimize no objects being found for samp objs + Adds phone stuff for Evam Distribution and hotline + Sets /makeped to frozen by default - Removes SULTAN UV WRAP // Fixed Nailgun dropping bullet cases. (Legion) // Fixed forgetting to place colshape into ELSPD rather than test-area. /arrest should now work in ELSPD. (Legion) // Re-enables /gethere for Mapping Team /+/ Completely overhaul the minimap and gps system from 37 percent usage to 4, major performance (Spooky) + Initialized new street naming system for the new minimap (Spooky) + Adds new El Pecado District (Spooky) Credits to: Reyo + Adds new Unity Station (Spooky) + Adds Idlewood Fleeca Bank (Spooky) + Added logging for /luck + Added logging for /chance + Added logging for /roulette + Added logging for /flipcoin As these weren't being logged for when an admin would go back to check logs. Cleaned up some defunct code too. - Removed core staff from being able to be picked during random giveaways /+/ Multiple faction ID support for Spooky Gate system (Spooky) /+/ Major update for ped system to include new animations and animation menu improvement. // Fixes an issue where colt distances were too short (Legion) /+/ Updated the bus routes to allow for new Unity Station - Disables Pershing Square Modelling /+/ Updates the minimap file to include new streets for Unity Station rework + Adds re-syncing to other players for some animations (most in AGRP v2) (Spooky) // Fixes bug with char creator when no custom skins used (for local dev) (Spooky) // Updates hospital reception ped: Hughes Memorial > All Saints (Spooky) + Adds makeped /npcsay /npcdo /npcme /npcame for peds (Spooky) + More npc improvements + generic receptionist type for business/faction interiors - Disables Pershing Fleeca (Spooky) - Removes leftover code from Fleeca Bank, Pershing + BETA - Initializes a test version of removing weapon duplication checks. (TMTMTL) - Removes slot machine duplication (Spooky) // Fixes ped language for /npcsay (Spooky) + Added more anims for peds (Spooky) + Also adds new duping antimeasures with error codes for weapons duping (TMTMTL) /+/ Finalized the weapon duplication fix (TMTMTL) + Added /languages to show players a list of all available languages + Added logs to Spooky's ped interactions and added more interactions; Added /pedshout Added /pedenterveh Added /pedexitveh Added /pedseatbelt Added /respawnped Added logs to /pedsay /peddo /pedme /pedame /pedshout Added interior and vehicle logs for /pedenterveh, /pedexitveh, /pedseatbelt and /gotoped // Makes a few edits to /nearbyped and adds /editped command // Edited /nearbyped to show vehicle ID if ped is in vehicle + Added senior admin chat (/sa) + /sa is now its own function to deal with two types. First is /sa to stop animation, or if /sa is used with arguments /sa hello world will execute the /sat which is the senior admin chat /+/ /commands now shows results tab when searching, more convenient // Fixes an issue where meele custom damages weren't working (TMTMTL) // Fixes an issue where Weapon descriptions weren't saving (TMTMTL) // Fixes randomly losing ability to shoot, punching with weapon in hand (TMTMTL) // Drive by alt shooting automatic fixed to lower the speed of shooting (TMTMTL) /+/ Reduce parachute cpu usage (Spooky) /+/ Reduce announcement cpu usage (Spooky) /+/ Optimized scenes for reduced cpu (Spooky) /+/ Changes police badges etc to use proper icons in HUD (Spooky) // Adds debugging commands for performance (Spooky) /+/ Rewrote nametag to use render targets for optimization (Spooky) // Changed "Admin character name is reviewing your app" to "Admin Username is currently reviewing your app" + Adds ability to auto copy links from /ann and adds db logging for /ann usage + Added ability to resize nametags in F10 Settings (Spooky) // Fixed an issue where /disappear and /recon was still showing new nametags + /pedenterveh /pedexitveh /pedsay /pedshout db saving and consistent tracking Peds now save vehicle id and seat position to db if they are /pedenterveh and /pedexit veh /npcsay is now relevant to the position of the ped if in the vehicle, tracking vehpos to use chat /npcshout is now relevant to the position of the ped if in the vehicle, tracking vehpos to use shout /+/ Fixed massive issues with report system (Spooky) /+/ Nametags now cache (Spooky) /+/ Optimized signs cpu usage (Spooky) /+/ Optimized heligrab cpu usage (Spooky) /+/ Optimized towingwinch cpu usage (Spooky) /+/ AGRP Map Mods now use createBuilding() + other optimizations (Spooky) // Fixes annoying newmodels warning spam (Spooky) // When /unfa had more than one result report back there was no further functionality to un-fa, added support for /unfaconfirm ID from the results list. // Nametags fix for calling getPlayerIcons when not available + Ped Overhaul, db saving, position tracking for commands /pedenterveh now saves vehID and seating to db Edit loading peds on resource start/restart to check and spawn into veh Edited interaction commands (say, do, me, ame, shout, nearbypeds) to check if ped is in vehicle. Essentially this never got checked so these commands could only have been executed at the ped's original location even though he was in a vehicle // Fixed an issue where /pedbelt only worked in ped's original xyz with no message + Added /pedrw to roll their own windows when you're not in the car + Added more command variations for npc stuff // Fixed an issue where weapons could bypass automatic firing (TMTMTL) /+/ Item Texture system optimizations (Spooky) + Adds more features to reception peds (Spooky) /+/ AGRP Objects refactor, fixing some cols and adding new note object (Spooky) // Changes duty belt weight capacity from 7.5 to 15 (Legion) + Added Finder Social to the cellphone + Adds an emergency /fixbinds (fixchat, enableinput, enablechat, allowchat) for when doChatbox fails (mouse doesn't disappear and everything is disabled forcing relog) // More item texture improvements for caching (Spooky) // Adds a workaround for Federal government being tied to ID 1 (LSPD) for radio usage on all restricted frequencies (Spooky) + Added flashing effect for backup blips and shows your own. Nametag fading in and out option enabled by default /+/ Experimental optimization for mapload (maps, interior and exterior reduces loaded objects by 20,000 (Spooky) What an intensive update, please drop some love for all the developers involved in making this update possible! Your interactions with out community is what strives for us to continue! As always, Kind~Regards, Development Team 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Diplomi_wxpr Posted Sunday at 08:52 AM Share Posted Sunday at 08:52 AM Заказать документ о получении высшего образования вы сможете у нас в Москве. [url=http://diplomnie.com/kupit-diplom-kolledzha-2-3/]diplomnie.com/kupit-diplom-kolledzha-2-3[/url] Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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